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War For The Planet of The Apes: A Perfect Closure to a Perfect Trilogy

A movie is not considered good or amazing because of any one reason. It’s not just the cast, director, producer, music composer, writer, or dialogues; the effort of all is what makes a simple film an amazing art. Planet of the apes was one of a kind film even when it came out first back in 1968, followed by 4 other movies chronologically and now when the epic trilogy of the reboot series came to an end with ‘War for the planet of the Apes’, it’s obvious that we all are going to miss it.

War for the planet of the Apes released a couple of weeks back and it didn’t just show the whole world as to how great can a reboot be, but also the fact that there are trilogies worth mentioning other than Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy.

No doubt War for the planet of the Apes is by far the best film in Planet of the Ape series. The film is perfect balance of “Rise” and “Fall”. The movie picks up roughly two years after the events of ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’, which set up the story of the great conflict between super sentient Apes and whatever’s left of humans after their fall. Caesar (Andy Serkis), the ape leader, is battle-scarred and weary. He wants nothing more than to lead his people, to a promised land in the desert, far away from the enemy, Humans. "We are not savages," he says. Unfortunately, the human army has other plans. Its leader, the Colonel (Woody Harrelson), is hell-bent on annihilation. When tragedy strikes the apes' house, Caesar is finally changed and not for the better. A personal loss fills him with rage and a desire to seek revenge from the Colonel.

Abandoning his family, Caesar sets out for the heart of darkness, accompanied by Maurice (Karin Konoval), his trusted orangutan adviser, and Rocket (Terry Notary), his right hand.
Along the way they pick up a mute human girl (Amiah Miller), whom they christen ‘Nova’ (after, of all things, the former Chevrolet automobile), as well as a manic simian called Bad Ape (Steve Zahn), who provides some comic relief.

After everything, the movie very smartly and subtly discusses issues of how fear can lead to problems like slavery and war.